Saturday, January 15, 2011

Variety Is The Spice

The saying goes; "variety is the spice of life".  If that is true, then most of us live pretty exciting lives!  I know I sure do.  I want to throw out a question; Is there any variety in the products you are using every day?  Or are you still using the same products you were using back in 1990 because they are familiar?  It's probably time you took a long look at those products (soaps, lotions, cosmetics, etc) and make the decision to try something new.  Not just something new, something that is all-natural and new.

The majority of us go through our day using products that we don't think about.  We've been using this product for 10 years and it works just fine, why would we switch?  Well, it's not switching just to switch.  It's switching to something that will increase your health and help clean your personal environment.

Go into your bathroom right now and look at all the products you have in the cupboard.  How long have you been using each one?  Pick the one you have been using the longest and do an internet search for a healthier version of that product.  In fact, give me a call and I can show you several.

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