Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Know I Should Do More part 1

This is a comment I hear A LOT!  People who they should do  more, yet don't.  Most often when asked why they don't do what they feel is "more", they usually say, "I just don't have the time" or "I don't know where to start, there's so much to do and I feel overwhelmed".

Have you said those things?  Are you still saying those things?  Someone recently asked me who my main competitor was.  I gave my usual reply and they told me I was wrong.  This was obviously confusing; how could I be wrong?  I keep on top of that kind of thing.  Her reply was, Time.  Time is the competitor to all.  It's always working against us and it's usually in the lead.  So I looked at the "I just don't have time" response and asked someone who has given me that excuse what their typical days consists of.  I was blown away by the response!  This person was doing less in an entire day than I do in 2 hours each day.  Yet, somehow, they just couldn't get things done and are always putting things off.  You've no doubt heard the phrase, work smarter not harder.  We each have the same 24 hours every day.  What makes the difference is HOW those hours are spent.  Are you trying to multi-task?  Here's a secret; multi-tasking doesn't work.  It only serves to keep you distracted from finishing anything.  Do you have systems in place to take care of all the repetitive stuff?  You should.

One of the reasons I started my business was to help people who were "overwhelmed" and give them a starting point.  There is an amazing amount of information out there and it can be extremely time consuming trying to sift through it all to learn what you need.  If you had access to someone who knew the answer, wouldn't give them a call rather than spend all the time trying to find the answer?  I wanted to be that person.  I am that person.  If you have any questions about anything "green" feel free to contact me.

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