Monday, February 28, 2011

Understanding Nanoparticles

Over the past year, there has been a lot of discussion about the use of nanoparticles in skin care and cosmetics. Nanoparticles are particles that have a dimension that is 100 nanometers or less in size.

While they are very widely used through the Health and Beauty industry, much of the controversy surrounding them is due to the lack of knowledge regarding long term effects on a consumer’s body. The nano- sized particles have the ability to absorb into skin and blood stream much faster compared to regular ingredients.

“Nanoparticles are unbelievably tiny, man-made chemicals. They are so incredibly small that tens of thousands of them can fit on the point of a needle. Remember how we were taught that the atom is the smallest component of matter? Well, nanoparticles of various substances are made to be so small that they can be inserted into atoms. Once there, they may undergo a change in the way they normally function, and sometimes their toxicity can be enhanced with a potential for more severe action than normal chemicals.” (

Many lobbyist groups are now fighting to ensure that companies that use nano technology in their manufacturing will be forced to disclose that information on the labels of their products. Right now there is no distinguishing between products which contain an ingredient in a nano- size versus a full particle size.

At OnlyGreen, we have never used nanotechnology to create our products. Any minerals that we use, such as titanium dioxide or mica, are only used in full particle format.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Take That!

As many of you know, I am making a series of commitments this year to clean up my personal environment.  I only stop at my favorite coffee houses if I have my re-usable cups with me, etc.  I made a new commitment this month: to take a re-usable container with me if I go out to eat.  Some may think this is a little crazy and I'm perfectly okay with that.  When I go out to eat I enjoy the meal as I always do.  Only now, when I've finished, if there are any leftovers I wish to take home with me, I hand the waiter/waitress a re-usable container to place the leftovers in.

When I first made this commitment, I was sure I would be met with shocked stares and disbelief.  So far I have received only excited smiles, thanks from the restaurant staff (it saves the restaurant money so they can pay their staff more) and positive responses from other patrons.

I challenge every person who reads this blog to do this the next time you go out to eat.  Will you accept this challenge?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's A Blizzard, Auntie Em!

Okay, so here's the deal:

The average temperature increases by a degree or two from all the garbage in the atmosphere.  This causes the ocean temperature to rise by a degree or two.  This warmer water causes the glaciers at the North Pole to melt just a little bit.  Then, because it's just a hair or two warmer than usual, those glaciers start to deteriorate.  Once this happens, they begin to break apart. Our natural solar reflector is now in pieces and floating away into much warmer water, where the pieces melt completely.  This causes the average temperature to rise a few more degrees.  More precipitation in the air means more severe storm activity.  See where I'm going with this yet?

Anyone who tries to deny that man has any effect on the environment only need take a look outside today.  This is what we've done.  We have no one to blame but ourselves.  Did we foresee this coming 100 years ago?  Nope.  Did we see it coming 50 years ago?  There were some wacky theories making the rounds at that time.  Did we see this coming 20 years ago?  You betcha!  Could we have prevented our Northern ice cap from melting?  We could have done a lot more to prevent it.  I don't know if we could have stopped it altogether, however I do know that we could have slowed it down considerably if we had only taken the initiative to do something about it.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of Global Warming.  Ain't it fun?