Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Cost of Living Green

I attend quite a few networking events here in Phoenix.  I was at one last night, which is my favorite, and met someone who asked me what I do and proceeded to tell me, quite forcefully, that living green was cost prohibitive and that one couldn't sustain that kind of "lifestyle" indefinitely.  She also said that it would eventually lead people to a life of crime to pay to continue living this way.  This last statement really shocked me.  How on earth could living a green life lead one to commit crime?  Her reply to this question was simple: truly green products and services cost too much.  Aha!  I hear that a lot.  "I know I should use natural products, but they cost too much.  I can get the regular stuff much cheaper."

If you are shopping for green products at your local grocery store or boutique store, these products are going to be more expensive.  Are they really more expensive to create and manufacture?  Nope.  They are actually cheaper to produce than the chemical alternatives.  You don't need special training for your employees to handle the ingredients because they are all-natural.  Your insurance costs go down because your employees are healthier.  You don't need special storage and removal equipment and services to handle the, oftentimes, toxic chemicals.  Companies are charging more for these products because they can.  To make matters worse, the majority of these products aren't really "green" at all.  There are several companies, however, that are stepping up to the plate with truly green products at prices that meet or beat what you can purchase at the supermarket.  OnlyGreen is one of those companies.

When you make the decision to stop onto the path of going green, you are laying claim to your personal environment.  I talked about this in a previous blog.  Your environment is that area commonly known as "personal space".  I urge you to read it, it's good stuff!  Once that commitment has been made and you begin walking that path, you are going to find some undeniable truths; your health will improve (which will result in lower medical care costs), all-natural products are often concentrated (you use less to do more, saving you more money), more and more businesses are offering discounts on goods and services (many stores give you a discount for each bag you re-use, many coffee shops give you a discount for bringing your own cup).  If you are saving money at almost every turn, it's impossible to rationalize this idea.

The idea that going green is more expensive is a horrible myth that we must dispel.  I always urge my clients to investigate the products they currently use and the total expense of that product.

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