Thursday, September 2, 2010


Have you ever really looked at the ingredients in your cosmetics?  It's not normally an area where we stop and investigate.  However, we should definitely be aware of what we're putting on our body as our skin absorbs an amazing amount of all the cosmetics, lotions, perfumes/colognes, etc.  There is a really great website that you can visit to find out exactly what is in your cosmetics and how healthy they are for you.  This website is run by the Environmental Working Group.  They are an independent research group that believe we should all be able to know exactly what is in the products we use on a daily basis and how those products can affect our health.  The website address is: 

Did you know that over 60% of the lipstick being sold in the US today has chemicals known to cause cancer?  Why would anyone continue to use them?  We come back to the subjects of economics and information.  Cosmetics manufacturers are not required to provide the ingredients of their products on their labels.  Why not?  By not having to list their ingredients, they can use chemicals that are inexpensive and normally wouldn't be allowed in other products.  We're allowing our young daughters to start using make-up at an early age, but we're exposing them to a huge number of chemicals that are known to cause cancer and disrupt the natural hormone cycle.  

But all is not lost.  As with everything in life, if you have the knowledge, you can make informed purchasing decisions and decide for yourself which products you want to use.  Here at OnlyGreen, we've tried very hard to provide you with cost-effective products that you can purchase from the comfort of your own home.  So you're not having to drive around to many different stores to find the products you want.  

Our Call to Action 
This month we're proud offer our Opal line of cosmetics.  Visit our online store to see our Opal September Special.  Take a look at the Cosmetic Database and look up your cosmetics and see what the ingredients are.  Having the knowledge to make an informed purchasing decision is the start to leading a healthier, greener lifestyle.

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