Okay, so here's the deal:
The average temperature increases by a degree or two from all the garbage in the atmosphere. This causes the ocean temperature to rise by a degree or two. This warmer water causes the glaciers at the North Pole to melt just a little bit. Then, because it's just a hair or two warmer than usual, those glaciers start to deteriorate. Once this happens, they begin to break apart. Our natural solar reflector is now in pieces and floating away into much warmer water, where the pieces melt completely. This causes the average temperature to rise a few more degrees. More precipitation in the air means more severe storm activity. See where I'm going with this yet?
Anyone who tries to deny that man has any effect on the environment only need take a look outside today. This is what we've done. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Did we foresee this coming 100 years ago? Nope. Did we see it coming 50 years ago? There were some wacky theories making the rounds at that time. Did we see this coming 20 years ago? You betcha! Could we have prevented our Northern ice cap from melting? We could have done a lot more to prevent it. I don't know if we could have stopped it altogether, however I do know that we could have slowed it down considerably if we had only taken the initiative to do something about it.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of Global Warming. Ain't it fun?
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