Monday, October 11, 2010

Changing the Conversation

I had an epiphany last night as I was watching one of my favorite shows online.  We need to stop using the phrase "Save the Planet".  This big blue floating marble we call home is going to be here no matter what we do.  No matter how much we pollute the water, the air and the soil; the earth will still be here floating silently in space.  What won't be here is the plants, animals and us.

It's time we changed the conversation.  We're not saving the earth, we're saving ourselves from extinction.  I know this sounds dire, but that is the plain and simple truth of it.  In talking with people I have always put forward the idea that going green was about creating a healthier environment, but I didn't follow the thinking all the way through to the end.  This is what it's all about.

Think about this scenario; a deserted town, the inhabitants left 100 years ago, has been sitting undisturbed.  Slowly the buildings have begun to crumble and surrounding wilderness has overtaken most of what is left.  The earth will always survive.  We won't.  We can't keep dumping toxic chemicals into our water supply.  We can't keep messing with the genetic makeup of our food supply.  We can't keep releasing gases into the air that choke us.

Going green means you are saving yourself, your children and your community from becoming extinct.

You might feel overwhelmed with this revelation but there is a clear, easy way to make sure that the human race continues.  Start making small changes in the products you buy each week.  If the products on the label are ones you can't pronounce, are listed as "other" or are not recognizable, don't buy it.  Look for products that are all-natural and biodegradable. Say no to plastic water bottles and use a re-usable bottle or cup.  Take your re-usable shopping bags with you whenever you go shopping.  These are easy, easy steps that everyone can take and they will make a huge difference.  But don't stop there.  Educate yourself on the products that you use, then educate those around you.

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